View all messages one has responded to across different forums in a single place
Here is the use case I usually have, A team of 6 - 7 people in my company take care of ZenRep messages each individually updating and commenting on 4-5 different topics, I have to go to each topic and filter by status and then scroll through pages to identify all the zenrep messages I have responded to .
It would be pretty cool if I could get a filter to see all the zenrep messages I / my colleague has updated across several topics. That way whenever we release a new update to our product we could quickly scan through the items we marked and update the status.
There are several reasons why I need to quickly access the zenrep message I marked, for example during meetings there comes a point when I refer to a zenrep request but I dont remember which topic it was in, I have to search for it, rather than searching for each message it would be easy scan if there is one place I could see all the msgs I marked.
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