Filter suggestions by time since an admin responded to them
Filter (and notify when) suggestions where the status hasn’t been updated in over [30 days].
I just added a new idea for changes in my project and though the status is "planned" often with long idea counts it's easy for some ideas to get lost...and frozen in the "planned" stage perpetually...there should be either a user selectable or automatic "reminder" feature that ...sends a friendly reminder about ideas that have been in the queue for too long and apparently are not being actually done.
The reminder should trigger either on a fixed elapsed time from publish of the idea or on a user select-able interval.
If for example an idea stays in "planned" for longer than 1 month the reminder would auto trigger and be sent to all those with access to the queue...this keeps old ideas that haven't been committed the chance to get done in the next iteration.

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Anastasia MacGyver commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tria genera bonorum; Qui est in parvis malis. Cave putes quicquam esse verius. Quid de Pythagora?